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In the 90s our founder owned Pub Club a beer of the month club He was featured on the cover of USA Today as well as Tv Food Network now known as Food Network He also founded Hollyweed Cannabis and later sold it to the artist who changed the iconic Hollywood sign to read Hollyweed Since older people are more likely to drink coffee than to smoke cannabis he launched Latte Perks on a mission to help improve the well being of people ages 18 100 worldwide.

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More About Latte Perks

In the 90s our founder owned Pub Club a beer of the month club He was featured on the cover of USA Today as well as Tv Food Network now known as Food Network He also founded Hollyweed Cannabis and later sold it to the artist who changed the iconic Hollywood sign to read Hollyweed Since older people are more likely to drink coffee than to smoke cannabis he launched Latte Perks on a mission to help improve the well being of people ages 18 100 worldwide.

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